Sunday, April 21, 2013

Can you Believe it has been 2 years!

I know, I know yes it has been 2 years since I have done this blogging thing, and I'm not very good at it as you can tell. Since I am not on facebook anymore I need a way to share with family and friends, so hopefully will get better at it and start posting again. This is the most current picture I have of my girls together and yes it's from Valentines Day. When your mother is a photographer  by nature she is busy photographing everyone Else's kids so that's just how it goes. Stay tuned in for future post. Hope I can get back on track.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

landrys baby dedication

Wow! so behind on all my blogging so much has happened in the
last few months have not had time so here we go on all the catching up!
We dedicated Landry to the lord on Sunday Sept 25Th it was such a special day
for us as a family and we got to share it with some of our great friends the Woods
and there sweet boy Hudson who is Landry's good buddy and is two weeks older.
Here are some pics from this day......

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Addie's Fall Ball

 Our Addie Girl was excited about her 1st game!

 She played catcher for the first time and loved it!
 She had some great hits
 Swing Addie
 Alyssa & Addie one of her best buds!

I had a great 1st Game!

Shuggie wearing her Addie's Lil Sister Shirt

Our Addie Girl had her 1st Game last Saturday two double hitters back to back and she played hard till the last few minutes of the game and fatigue set in. She did so good with her batting and catching we were so proud. She has not played since t-ball and we were very nervous for her because several girls that she plays with have been playing a while, but for the most part she was able to step right up to the plate and take off. She is going to be our little athlete. I tried making her my little cheerleader and dancer and the girl has to left feet when it comes to dancing but how she manages to be good at sports who knows lol. Landry wore here addie's lil sister shirt to support her sissy and she was a real trooper through both games. We love both of our girls and are so blessed to have them trying to get used to having two has been a little tough but we are adjusting slowley but getting better each day. Looking forward to all the great memories with the both of them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Double Blessings! Our sweet girls
Addie Girl & shuggie

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Our two precious girls Addison Rae & Landry Grace
ages 7 & 2mon

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